We boldly go...

Praying for each other is one of the kindest most loving things we can do. It is our mission to provide people all around the world a place where they can create prayer groups and share those requests and share how God is answering them.

We have seen the true power of going boldly before the throne of God and believing in faith that He will answer our prayers. Our prayer now is that this tool will help you connect, share and witness His grace and power.

Create A Group

You can create any number of groups. Invite your friends to the group and you are ready to go. See who is in the group and easily send an email to encourage even more.

Share Your Requests

Each member of the group can add their requests to be shared with the everyone. Every time you pray click a button to share with the requestor that another person has prayed.

Rejoice In The Answers

The best part of sharing our prayer requests is seeing the hand of God as he answers them. Go back and look through all the requests that have been answered for encouragement and praise.

Build your prayer group right now

Start praying with you friends and families and watch what can happen.


Praying Users


Prayer Groups


Prayer Requests


Answered Prayers

Boldly Pray

Jesus tells us that we are to pray boldly with the confidence that God cares so much for us. We are told that we should boldly approach the throne knowing that we are children of God through Christ. Pray Boldly. Pray with faith. Pray continuously.

Our Contacts

Stow, OH 44224